Anxiety sucks.
Ready to feel better?


Your anxiety and you…


Occasional anxiety is a part of life, but that chronic, in-your-bones kind of anxiety? Anxiety that shows up as insomnia, stomach pain, or panic attacks? As procrastination, perfectionism, and insecurity every day?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

You and I should spend some time getting to know your anxiety, what makes it tick, and what’s keeping it around. I’m pretty good at this. When people work with me, they learn to confidently chill out and stop comparing themselves to an imaginary version of who they think they should be. They learn to defuse the ever-present tension in their gut and between their shoulder blades. They learn to let themselves truly rest at night. They embrace the balance between change and self-acceptance.

I have clear, practical tools for those times when your past mistakes and personal flaws are like a playlist on repeat in your head. I am trained to help you kick insomnia’s ass. I’ve helped so many people just like you relax into their own genuine, imperfect selves, and break free from that constant state of “needs improvement.” 

Going through this process with my clients is such a joyful aspect of my work. I get to witness as you learn to love being exactly yourself.

And I want to work with you.

We have a lot to talk about.

Get in touch with me here.